Archive for July 2011

FarmVille Bot Plugin: MultiHack for Unlimited Watering cans [**Patched**]

MultiHack Plugin for Unlimited Watering cans is not working anymore!
That means Zynga has Patched this glitch now..

Charles Method: Get Unlimited White Mustang Horses Free from Dummy account!!

With this Charles Method you will get Unlimited White Mustang Horses Free with Dummy account!!
Tip: Before starting this tutorial make a new Facebook account and start FarmVille!
  • *A Dummy Account
  • *Charles Web Proxy Program
1. Open Charles
2. Load Farm from Dummy Account
3. Turn on Breakpoints
4. Click on the White Mustang
5. Go to Charles and click on execute till you get this screen
6. Expand the Data Folder and change the broughtFriendCount to 5, the finalFriendReceiveTime to 1, the progressState to 5, and the madeProgress to true


7. Click Execute

8. Turn off Breakpoints

9. Go to Farm and Share the White Mustang link (If your dummy account has more than just you as a Friend private the post so only you can get it)

10. Open your Farm and find it in your Gift box.

you can repeat it as many times to get as many as White Mustang links as you want!!
Regards -RedDragon-

Charles Method: Get Wandering White Mustang Horse!

Get Wandering Lonely Animal "White Mustang Horse" Using Charles!

Method will be posted soon..!!

Get 1,000 Free Farm Cash - Edy's Fruit Bars Promotion!

1,000 Farm Cash
Apparently Edy's and Farmville are teaming up and giving away 500,000 farm cash, and you can get some by getting a code from the specially marked boxes. Here is more info:

Click Here to Get a code!

Game ends October 31st 2011 

Limit of three (3) entries/plays per day regardless of method of entry or the number of codes a player has obtained. 

For All Methods of Entry: Multiple entrants are not permitted to share the same email address. Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the stated number of plays per day, whether by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods, will result in disqualification. Use of any automated system to participate in any aspect of the Promotion is prohibited and will result in disqualification.

FarmVille Bot Plugin: TreeInfo v.3.3 - Update! [Codes Fixed]

TreeInfo v.3.3 - [Codes Fixed]

Updates ---->>
-Fixed Codes (Updated new Z* codes).
-Now set harvesing cycle for each specific tree.
-Now Share Reward with Image.
-Restore tree from storage.

Download ==>
Treeinfo v.3.3 ==> Download Now

Farmville Bot Plugin: EggTricks v1.18c

What Does It Do?

This plugin is going to make links from your chicken coop, which can be use for shareing with your friends on facebook.

(same instructions that you can find at the plugin page inside the bot)

You need a level one chicken coop to use this plugin!
If your coop can hold more than 20 chickens, you have to remove all chickens from the coop, sell the coop and place/buy a new one from the market.

You need enough coins!
This plugin sell/buy one chicken coop (5,000 coins) at each cycle.
You can use ToolBox-FarmGold plugin to get coins.

You need 1 to 19 chickens that are not white inside your coop.
A new chicken coop building comes with a white chicken, that can/will NOT be removed before harvest.
So white chickens do not get removed from the building and are just deleted with it.
Also, because of the free white chicken we can only "breed" with 19 chickens or less.

Set how many times you want to trick the coop and save.

Run the bot/plugin! And share the eggs using Steal, MyRewards, Links, etc
Egg links are good for 3 people to claim before it expires

If you are missing some chickens, they are probably placed!
It may happen that OOS or something else disrupts the execution.

Note: This is a plugin for the Farmville Bot Only!! It will NOT work in any other Programes

FarmVille Trick: Get 65 Farm Cash (Fvc) Free on New Dummy Account!!

FarmVille Cash
 This glitch is **Patched** wait for another cash glitch Keep visiting us ;)

1. First, make a dummy account. (it simply means a new account but Don't load farmville yet)

2. Click this Link and then click "allows" twice (Farmville and Mail) 

3. after you have clicked “allow” the second time, stop your browser from loading the farm by clicking on “x” button beside “refresh” button or simply Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.

4. Now, click on this Link and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.

5. Now click this Link and after 2 to 3 seconds refresh the page and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.

6. And Now click on this Link and again after 2 to 3 seconds refresh the page and again Press “ESC” key on the keyboard.

It's Done! Now Load your Dummy Farm! And you will notice you have 65 Farm Cash at level 0 ..!! Enjoy!

Charles Method: Get "Buy" option in Mystery Game!

"Using this method you can simply buy Mystery game items without playing mystery darts

  1. Open Charles break poin on
  2. Load farm, Charles popup execute onc
  3. Go to Edit Request>AMF> experiments and look for fv_mysterygame_buyitnow
  4. Change to String, then change 0 to 3 & Execute turn BP "off"

"Now Open Mystery game and you will notice there is "Buy" option."

Charles Method: Placing Egg / Mystery Box on Farm!

As the topic says this tutorial will help you to place egg or mystery box on your farm.

1. Open gift box

2. Enable breakpoints

3. Click "Use" on an egg/mg you want to place

4. Go to Edit Request>AMF and look for the folder where the egg open string is located. Change "open" to "place"

5. set the x and y coordinates in the "position" folder to an empty spot on your farm (default is 0,0 which is the bottom corner of your farm)

6. click execute and execute again when the response comes up

7. repeat more eggs/Mystery Box or release breakpoints and refresh farm to see your eggs on the farm.

Video Tutorial Help:

Charles Method: Send Market Items without Being Neighbor!

Send Market items without being neighbor using Charles

  • Charles Web Debugging Proxy
  • Atleast 1 Neighbor in your List!

1. Load farm and open Charles
2. Open the market.
3. In Charles, enable breakpoints.
4. Choose the gift you want to send, and Select to send it to anyone (doesn't matter who) A break point in Charles should now pop up
5. In Charles, click on the Edit Request tab on the top and then the AMF tab on the bottom. Expand the param + and then the next + and it will Show the FB id change this id to person's fb id whom you want to send that gift and Execute twice.
 You can Download Charles from our Downloads Section!

Charles Method: Get Blue Mane Gypsy Horse Free! [No Birthday Countdown Required]

This is a New FarmVille Glitch
To Get Blue Mane Gypsy Horse without completing the 12 Days Birthday Countdown!

  • A Dummy Account
  • Charles Web Proxy Program
 This Tutorial is Shared by FvMethods.Cu.Cc
1. Load your Dummy accounts Farm
2. Open Charles with Breakpoint On
3. Click on the Market
4. Charles will pop up
5. Go to Edit Request> AMF> Change Function Name
   from UserService.publishUserAction
   to HolidayCountdownService.publishShareBonusFeed 
6. Execute Once and go to Edit Response> Expand Data> Expand Attachment> Copy the Link
7. Go to your Main account and Open the Link and you will get your Blue Mane Gypsy Horse for Free!!

Note: This Trick only works once per account and if you have Used Instant Grow Trick then this won't work on that Dummy account
Also Make sure your Main accounts Giftbox is not full or you will lose the horse and you are neighbor with your Dummy!

You Can Download Charles From our Downloads Page..
for More FarmVille Tricks and tutorials Click Here

FarmVille Bot Plugin: TreeInfo v.3.1 (with Tree Mastery Support)

TreeInfo version 3.1 (latest) 14-July-2011

Updates ---->>
-New Layout.
-Now pictures will load faster.
-Master Trees Using Treeinfo.
-One Hit specific settings saving.
-One Hit Water All Seed.
-One Hit Sell All Mastered Trees.
-More powerful shortTable.[Biggy_5757]
-Export settings option. 
Note: Run plugin 5 or 6 times before you post for error... Specially when you try to master tree...

FarmVille Bot Plugin: MultiHack Water Wheel Mod for Unlimited Watering Cans!

**Working Again**
Here is a MultiHack plugin by FarmerBob00 & WaterWheel mod by RedDragon

Now you can harvest Water Wheel building Unlimited times with this plugin to get unlimited watering cans!

Note: This plugin only works with FarmVille Bot

You can Download FarmVille Bot Application from our Downloads Section!

FarmVille Bot Plugin: ReGiftLinks Update: Added Craft Silo Materials: Screwdrivers, Hinges and Tin Sheets!

FarmVille Bot Plugin ReGiftLinks by honeyjb!
I'm not taking any credits thanks to developer for this plugin!

I've Added Craft Silo Materials: Screwdrivers, Hinges and Tin Sheets!

Charles Method: Unlimited Love Potion Hack!

Love Potion
Here is a New FarmVille Glitch / Hack
To Get  Unlimited Love Potion for Breeding!
  • A Dummy Account
  • Charles Web Proxy Program

Welcome to FarmVille Methods!!

This site is about FarmVille related tricks, hacks, methods, Glitches, Fv Bot, Facebot, Charles Methods & much more..